Spg share price
Spg share price

spg share price

Now let us check the historical 5-year price chart of Simon Property Group Inc (SPG). This data along with many other metrics will help them analyze the returns for the next 5 years. Such investors would be naturally interested in knowing the performance data of a stock for the past 5 years. Note: Generally, an investing duration of around 5 years can be considered medium-term. 3 Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) Stock Chart 5 Years (Recent History) annual prices of Simon Property Group Inc (SPG). Now let us see a 10-year stock chart of SPG. The 10-year timeframe is a popular range of analysis used by value investors. Note: Long term investors give importance to long term charts (typically covering decades). The biggest change in annual stock price occurred between 20. The third and fourth columns will help you grasp how the highest and lowest yearly prices moved over time. First two columns contain the years and the corresponding avg. prices of Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) used to plot the above visual. This type of smooth graph will give you a better understanding of the long term price movement of Simon Property Group Inc (SPG).īelow table contains annual avg. Annual price chart can be thought of as a smoothened version of a daily price chart. Note: We have plotted the below chart using annual avg. 1 Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) 20 Years Stock Chart Historyįirst, let us see a long term chart of SPG. Note: Timeframe of analysis of this report is between -02.

spg share price

Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) Stock 6 Months Chart.Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) Stock Chart 5 Years (Recent History).Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) 20 Years Stock Chart History.Below is a table of contents to help you navigate quickly. You will find 6 useful sections in this report.

Spg share price